Print or Email a Customer Statement

To print or email a customer statement:

  1. In the Home window, open the Reports menu. Select Customers and Sales, and then choose Customer Statements.
  2. (Optional) Select Include inactive customers.
  3. (Optional) Click Select All to produce statements for all customers in the list.
  4. Select how the statements will be sent:
  5. (Optional) Select Include Due Dates.
  6. Define the customers you want to send statements to: Selected customers, Selected customers with outstanding balances, or Selected customers with overdue balances.
  7. (Optional) If you are only printing statements, click Preview to check the statements before they are printed.
  8. Click OK to produce the statements. If you are printing statements, you are finished.
  9. If you try to email a customer without an address in their record, the program displays the Customer Email Address dialog box. Do one of the following:
  10. Review the subject and message displayed in the Email Information window. You can change the subject and message if you want.
  11. Click Send.

Note: To review a customer statement at a later date, display the Customer Aged report.